Охрана ведомственных и важных объектов и имущества

Anti-terrorist protection of premises and property

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Our security company has a special permit to provide anti-terrorist protection. Our competent and qualified specialists are able to minimize all possible risks of terrorist attacks.

We guarantee you peace of mind.

We are working with our clients on the base of a signed contract which will empower us:

  • To prevent access of unauthorized people to the area of the premises
  • To identify violators of established rules and policies
  • To prevent attacks on the protected object
  • To prepare a variety of measures to gather information about the threat at the earliest time possible

All our staff has specific knowledge and skills to always be able to notice important details and identify any risk at an early stage. With us you will not need to worry about safety.

Upon request, we are ready to create a technical base or upgrade an existing one. Our head counts allow us to provide additional services with no effect on security levels - we do not have a lack of staff. We use modern equipment which allows for resisting a terrorist threat.


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